Till 15 38cm Touchscr. Display Receipt Printer Retail Customer Display Tse KA41

Till 15 38cm Touchscr. Display Receipt Printer Retail Customer Display Tse KA41

Till 15 38cm Touchscr. Display Receipt Printer Retail Customer Display Tse KA41
This register is a retail register. The "BlitzKasse HandelNET / ExpressKasse" software (latest version with TSE interface) will be installed and viewed for you. If you like this POS software, which you can test without restrictions for 30 days - activation for unlimited use costs EUR 179.90 (one-off investment and no costs thereafter);After activation all items you have entered will remain. Alternatively, you can also use the cash register with your cash register software - almost every other cash register software works with this cash register system. You can checkout thispprogram for classic retail, as well as for street sales, e. Snack bars / pizza etc.
Till 15 38cm Touchscr. Display Receipt Printer Retail Customer Display Tse KA41

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